killed mario by camping on his nose. somehow
killed mario by camping on his nose. somehow
Nose strats.
i 'beat' yellow fellow by losing and i collected 9999 bits even though i'm sure i did not
Yeah this game is a mess, but you can get some fun out of it.
doesn't control well but man is the soundtrack BANGIN, plus it's a rewarding expericince
if you're selling the main theme or the rival race theme, shut up and take my money
Ask RuneSound! Thanks & thanks
i love this series' creativity, only thing i don't like is the length of the games
Not 3 minitues in i got stuck in a platform.
If that happens, just keep jumping or crouching till you get out, and if that doesn’t work, you can just restart the level. If there is a broken part where you get stuck, I could possibly fix that in an update.
Oh, the style has changed between games, i'm fine with that, totally fine (i'm not fine it's bothering me)
oh and this time it's automatic, i'm fine with that (no i'm not)
I'm not gonna take off points for theese things though, it's a good puzzle game with a good concept and interesting characters, i'm not a fan of the addition of trust and dialouge though.
also not a fan of the removal of security termials and exploration, the original unstable was a near flawless exploration puzzle game, this is more of a runner puzzle game if you know what i mean by runner.
Fair comments, although I didn't really 'remove' features - this is a completely different style of game to Unstable. Since my games are quite extensive, I like to mix things up so the puzzles don't get stale. Of course different people may prefer one type of puzzle game to another.
I haven't ruled out making a more direct sequel (or expansion) to Unstable one day though, with the same style of gameplay. I'd need some interesting new ideas first - inspiration is a fickle thing!
Great game! fantasic ending to the series.
This isn't very good, but the humor is ok, try something a bit longer and more original next time.
Creative and innovative puzzle game, one thing though, don't put the reset level button next to the attack button, it's very easy to hit it by accident and reset progress, espesically since in most games Z is the attack key
Computer: ACER
Browser: chrome
Os: win 10
Literacy with computers: want to be a programmer
Game: working
Sound is obnoxious, but other then that it's ok
hahaha I'm sorry, will see if I can make it a bit more pleasing to the ears in future updates. Thanks for your feedback :)
just a dumb programmer who wants to make games!
Conestoga College
Joined on 4/4/16